Your Partner in Purpose Discovery

Unleash Your Purpose Today

What is purpose?

Purpose isn't just some abstract concept; it's the very heartbeat of our existence—the reason we're here. And for those of us who follow Jesus, our purpose is crystal clear: to reflect God's glory in every aspect of our lives.

Whether we're navigating the complexities of the professional world or finding solace in our personal pursuits, whether we're making strategic decisions in the boardroom or relishing the simple joys of everyday life, our mission remains constant: to leverage our talents, skills, and unique traits to magnify the greatness of our Creator.

And the payoff? It's twofold: a fulfilling life brimming with abundance here on Earth and the promise of eternal joy in the realms beyond.

What is purpose coach?

A purpose coach is your trusted guide and mentor who walks alongside you as you navigate the journey of discovering and living out your purpose. She helps you unlock your full potential and embrace the divine calling on your life.

Hey Girl Hey,

I see the weight you carry – the burning desire to live a life overflowing with purpose, a life that truly reflects God's glory. We Christian women, especially those juggling the demands of entrepreneurship and creative expression, can easily feel lost in the whirlwind.

This is where my story intersects with yours. From the depths of despair as a young mom, I found faith and emerged as a joyful Believer and entrepreneur. This journey ignited a fire within me – a passion to empower women like you to discover their God-given purpose and achieve their audacious dreams.

I create a safe haven, a sisterhood built on unwavering faith and genuine love. Here, you can confide your wildest dreams, no matter how seemingly impossible. This is the foundation I establish as your Purpose Bestie.

Think of me not just as a coach, but as your confidante, your unwavering cheerleader, and your voice of reason. We'll walk this path side-by-side, celebrating your victories and offering unwavering support when doubts arise. Together, we'll break through barriers and unlock the potential God has placed within you.

My experience as an award-winning strategist and media personality allows me to not only guide you but also to amplify your voice and champion your dreams on a wider platform.

Countless women have discovered their purpose and achieved remarkable things with my support. Allow me to be your partner in this extraordinary journey.

Together, let's make your faith a beacon, illuminating the world with the gifts God has entrusted to you.

Do you yearn for clarity and a path forward that aligns with your deepest aspirations? I offer two transformative coaching experiences designed to help you unlock your potential and achieve remarkable things. I have coaching SOULutions for the high achieving, purpose-driven leader.

do you say any of these?

  • I'm feeling lost and unsure of my next steps. I need help identifying what's holding me back and get me back on track.
  • I have a lot of ideas, but I'm not sure which one to pursue.
  • I'm struggling with a major decision and need some one to help me sort things out.
  • I have big dreams, but I'm unsure how to achieve them.
  • I'm unsure of my true purpose and what path I should take in life.
  • I struggle with self-doubt and limiting beliefs. I want to overcome these challenges and build confidence.
  • I'm need ongoing support and accountability to stay motivated and on track with my plan

sparkle sessions

Get back on track, fast. This 90-minute focused session is your chance to pick Shennice's brain, ask burning questions, and receive hot seat coaching to address immediate challenges and identify actionable solutions.

Ideal for: Individuals seeking immediate clarity and direction.

Walk away with: A renewed sense of purpose, fresh ideas to overcome obstacles, and expert guidance tailored to your specific needs.

spark and strategize

Breakthrough plateaus and chart your course to success. This in-depth half day (4-6 hours) exploration dives deep into self-discovery, helping you uncover your unique purpose and craft a personalized roadmap to achieve your goals.

Ideal for: Individuals feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or seeking a comprehensive plan for success.

Gain: A profound understanding of your purpose and vision, a tangible action plan with clear milestones, strategies to overcome challenges, and ongoing support and accountability to stay motivated.

Purpose sessions

Through personalized coaching, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, identifying your core values and passions, the very essence of what drives you. You'll unearth your unique gifts and talents, the tools God has equipped you with to make a significant impact. Together, we'll explore how your life experiences, both triumphs and challenges, have shaped you and potentially point towards your purpose. We'll lean into your faith, seeking guidance and inspiration on integrating your purpose with serving your God.

Gain: you'll develop a personalized action plan, a roadmap to confidently live out your purpose with faith and clarity.

3 Get- to- know-you Questions

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

I would have the power of infinite wisdom. It may not be as cool as some of the more common powers but it will always lead to the best decision and good energy.

What is your go-to advice for anyone feeling stuck in a rut?

Change your environment. and rest. Rest will help you to calibrate the mind, body and soul. A new environment will spark curiosity and wonder. Together they will give your a new found perspective.

If you weren't a purpose coach, what would you be doing instead?

Although I know my purpose is to be a coach, I would say... I would be a game show host because that is my other passion; speaking and motivating people.

For more purposeful soulutions. About My Purpose Co

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